The weekly training sessions are led by:
Marlon Tsie

Marlon is active at Pamor Badai since 1980 and he has been very succesful in pencak silat competitions. Marlon gained several championship titles on national (Dutch) and international (European, World) level. After serving as head instructor for a long time, he was appointed alongside Marlon as uncle Dave’s heir and successor on 4 July 2020, thus becoming the kepala aliran and pendekar utama of Pencak Silat Pamor Badai.
Johann Ticoalu

Johann is active at Pamor Badai since 1985. He completed the LMA course (course to become a state certified Martial Arts teacher) in 1993, making him one of the first pencak silat instructors recognised by the state. After serving as head instructor for a long time, he was appointed alongside Marlon as uncle Dave’s heir and successor on 4 July 2020, thus becoming the kepala aliran and pendekar utama of Pencak Silat Pamor Badai.